QSolid: Exploring Customized Simulation Applications and Decoherence Limits in QSolid Demonstrators

About QSolid

In the heart of Germany's technological innovation landscape, the approach of QSolid Grant outlines a comprehensive strategy for achieving the goal of building a quantum computer based on cutting-edge German technology.

The QSolid approach encompasses a holistic strategy involving hardware advancements, error reduction techniques, AI integration, and user accessibility, with the ultimate goal of achieving a powerful and reliable quantum computing platform. This collaborative endeavor brings together twenty-five cutting-edge research institutions and companies, all working towards a singular goal: to create a quantum computer in a solid state of unparalleled power and precision. The first demonstrator will go into operation in mid-2024 and will make it possible to test applications as well as benchmarks for industry standards.

About WP9: “Benchmark & Co-Design”

This work package focuses on benchmarking applications, addressing architectural constraints, and optimizing algorithms to enhance the performance of the quantum computer. WP9 is crucial for demonstrating the practical value of the QSolid quantum computer. By benchmarking applications and optimizing algorithms, HQS Quantum Simulations contributes to showcasing the hardware's capabilities and ensuring it meets real-world demands. One of the most promising applications is the prediction of the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectrum.

Our Challenge

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) is of great importance in various industries, including material chemistry and medical bio-medicine. Quantum computing offers a promising avenue to tackle the challenges associated with NMR, such as environmental noise, device limitations, and the vast number of initial states. By harnessing the power of quantum computing, researchers aim to overcome these obstacles and unlock new possibilities in NMR research and applications.

Our Solution

1. Implementing a Quantum Computing Solver for NMR Spectroscopy

In the context of QSolid, HQS has introduced a method that harnesses quantum computing to simulate the NMR spectrum of specific molecules. This innovative approach utilizes HQSoftware, a robust quantum computing framework. The process begins by accessing a chemistry stack database to retrieve the molecule's unique spin Hamiltonian, a task that is traditionally complex but is made more manageable thanks to the chemistry stack's resources.

Once the spin Hamiltonian is obtained, the subsequent crucial step involves calculating the correlation function. This entails the time evolution of spin operators according to the Hamiltonian, offering valuable insights into the NMR spectrum and its underlying principles.

To carry out the simulation, we configure the NISQ (Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum) device where the NMR spectrum will be emulated. This involves specifying available gates, and gate times, and considering factors such as damping, dephasing, and depolarization. Qsolid tools are then used to create a quantum circuit tailored to the spin Hamiltonian and the chosen device.

Running the quantum program on the selected backend allows us to compute the NMR spectrum, which we rigorously validate by comparing the results with traditional methods. This comprehensive process offers an effective means of simulating and verifying NMR spectra for various molecules using quantum computing.

2. Exploring the Influence of Noise

Following the successful benchmarking of our quantum computing solver, we conducted a comprehensive investigation into the impact of various types of noise, including damping, dephasing, and depolarization, on the NMR spectrum of real molecules. Our primary objective was to pinpoint and quantify the threshold noise level at which the NMR spectrum's reliability could be sustained.

In a collaborative effort, our team joined forces with the Jülich supercomputing center to gain a deeper understanding of noise's influence on the NMR spectrum of actual molecules. We also aimed to implement error mitigation techniques to enhance the quality of the obtained spectrum. Leveraging the HQS simulation software, we analyzed the noise and sought to uncover the effective open quantum system problem being addressed. This collaborative endeavor enhances our ability to assess and mitigate noise-related challenges in NMR spectroscopy accurately.

Strong collaboration between academic and industrial partners has resulted not only in robust software that leverages quantum computing to pioneer novel products and applications but also as a gateway to setting new industry standards.
Q-Solid's mission is more than a project; it's a quantum leap into the future of computing.


Q-Exa: Applications for quantum computers in the field of simulation of quantum mechanics