White Paper: A method to derive material-specific spin-bath model descriptions of materials displaying prevalent spin physics (for simulation on NISQ devices)

Authors: Benedikt M. Schoenauer, Nicklas Enenkel, Florian G. Eich, Michael Marthaler, Sebastian Zanker, and Peter Schmitteckert

Magnetism and spin physics are true quantum mechanical effects and their description usually requires multi reference methods and is often hidden in the standard description of molecules in quantum chemistry. In this work we present a twofold approach to the description of spin physics in molecules and solids. First, we present a method that identifies the single-particle basis in which a given subset of the orbitals is equivalent to spin degrees of freedom for models and materials which feature significant spin physics at low energies. We introduce a metric for the spin-like character of a basis orbital, of which the optimization yields the basis containing the optimum spin-like basis orbitals. Second, we demonstrate an extended Schrieffer-Wolff transformation method to derive the effective Hamiltonian acting on the subspace of the Hilbert space in which the charge degree of freedom of electron densities in the spin-like orbitals is integrated out. The method then yields an effective spin-bath Hamiltonian description for the system. This extended Schrieffer-Wolff transformation is applicable to a wide range of Hamiltonians and has been utilized in this work for model Hamiltonians as well as the active space Hamiltonian of molecular chromium bromide.

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