Invitation to the HQSeminar “Quantum Computing: a future perspective for high energy physics”

HQS invites you to attend on the online lecture “Quantum Computing: a future perspective for high energy physics” from Dr. Karl Jansen of Deutsches Elektronen-Synchroton DESY via Zoom on Friday, 18th November ‘22, at 1:00 pm:

Abstract: Quantum computing is a novel and promising way to solve problems that are extremely hard or even impossible to address with classical computers. We will discuss applications of quantum computations particularly for high energy physics but also beyond. This concerns theoretical models from lattice gauge theories but also problems in large scale experiments such as particle track reconstruction or quantum machine learning at DESY and CERN. In order to obtain reliable results from quantum computations we will introduce methods for readout error mitigation and dimensional expressivity analysis of quantum circuits. First results for 2+1-dimensional QED will be presented.


An alternative to variational algorithms for quantum simulations


Meet HQS at the SC22 in Dallas