An alternative to variational algorithms for quantum simulations

HQS is committed to developing alternatives to variational algorithms. We want to share our progress with others and generate a whole new research direction on using quantum computers to simulate open quantum systems. To that end, we have published two papers that we hope will drive the whole field forward.

Describing Trotterized Time Evolutions on Noisy Quantum Computers via Static Effective Lindbladians

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Given a common set of assumptions regarding how noise acts on a quantum computer. We show how the effects of noise can be reinterpreted as a modification to the dynamics of the original system being simulated.

A quantum algorithm for solving open quantum system dynamics on quantum computers using noise

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This paper presents a quantum algorithm that uses noise as a resource. The goal of the quantum algorithm is the calculation of operator averages of an open quantum system evolving in time.

The theory in the papers has been implemented in software tools that you can access on our HQS cloud:

HQS Quantum Simulations is aimed at forward-looking research institutions or departments in large companies, as well as quantum computing hardware companies working on and testing applications.


HQS present at the Q2B22 Silicon Valley


Invitation to the HQSeminar “Quantum Computing: a future perspective for high energy physics”