Cooperation of HQS in various research projects

Realizing the power of quantum: Quantum technology will enable us to understand and improve our world through novel research methods. The simulation of particles, processes, and mechanisms at the quantum level can revolutionize materials science and may lead to breakthrough developments. The competencies of a wide variety of groups are pooled in various research projects to advance the entire field of research.

Based on the latest research results in quantum technology, HQS provides applications for quantum simulation on NISC devices and develops software for quantum computers.

In collaboration with national companies, universities, and industrial research institutes, HQS engages its expertise in various research projects.

For the financial support, special thanks to all funding agencies and their project sponsors, especially the federal and state ministries, as well as the European Commission.


Platform and Ecosystem for Quantum-assisted Artificial Intelligence

The goal of PlanQK was to make all quantum applications usable on one platform and to create a knowledge platform for researchers and developers. The project was successfully completed in 2022.

Running time: January 2020 – December 2022
Sponsored by: Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action
Consortium lead: StoneOne AG

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Next Applications of Quantum Computing

Zero-error quantum computing will not be possible for years. However, for selected industrial and financial use cases, NISQ (Noise Intermediate-Scale Quantum) devices might achieve a practical quantum advantage. For this purpose, new quantum software techniques will be developed within the project.

Running time: September 2020 – August 2024
Sponsored by: European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program
Consortium lead: Atos (Bull SAS)

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Coherent quantum annealers

The mission of the European project AVaQus is to build the prototype of a 5-qubit quantum annealing device with high connectivity, tunable interactions, and long coherence times. By developing novel superconducting quantum circuits, the project aims to improve the current quantum annealing technology.

Running time: October 2020 – September 2023
Sponsored by: European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program
Consortium lead: Institute for High Energy Physics in Barcelona

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Quantum computer in the solid state

To strengthen Germany's role in quantum technology, the aim of the QSolid project is to develop an error-enhanced quantum computer, which will be integrated into the JUNIQ supercomputer infrastructure at Forschungszentrum Jülich.

Running time: January 2021- December 2026
Sponsored by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Consortium lead: Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH

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Semiconductor quantum processor with shuttling-based scalable architecture

Using Germany's semiconductor technology, a semiconductor quantum processor is to be realized within the QUASAR project. With the help of the implementation and demonstration of a microarchitecture, the current geometric scaling limits are to be overcome at the quantum level.

Running time: February 2021- December 2025
Sponsored by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Consortium lead: Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH

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Efficient material simulation on NISQ quantum computers

The goal of the MANIQU project is to develop highly efficient algorithms and workflows in the form of software packages by implementing so-called hybrid algorithms. These should enable the industrial use of NISQ quantum computers in the field of materials development and quantum chemistry.

Running time: March 2021- February 2024
Sponsored by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Consortium lead: Robert Bosch GmbH

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Quantum Computer Extension by Exascale HPC

Within the framework of this project, the Leibnitz Computing Center (LRZ) has purchased the first quantum computer system in Germany from the German-Finnish company IQM and the related Software from HQS. The goal is to integrate this system into the production ready HPC environment with the support of the consortial partners.

Running time: November 2021– November 2024
Sponsored by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Consortium lead: IQM Germany GmbH

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Application of quantum simulations in hydrogen research

The AQUAS project aims to take hydrogen research and production to a new level through quantum simulation by validating and implementing innovative software tools using hybrid classical-quantum algorithms.

Running time: January 2022 - December 2024
Sponsored by: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
Consortium lead: HQS Quantum Simulation GmbH

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Photonische Quantencomputer

Within the PhoQuant project, algorithms and technologies for photonic quantum computing are being researched. The aim is to develop a photonic quantum computer with a computing architecture of up to 100 qubits for industrial use. An application would be for example the calculation of vibrational spectrum of a molecule.

Running time: January 2022 - December 2026
Sponsored by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Consortium lead: Q.ant GmbH

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Fast Rydberg ions for scalable quantum processors

Until now, calculations for quantum simulation or process optimization have been limited by computational depth. However, the realization of a prototype fully scalable quantum computer will be the breakthrough in quantum information processing and simulation. The execution of quantum algorithms with circuit depth greater than one million is the stated goal of the BRISQ project.

Running time: October 2022 – September 2025
Sponsored by: European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program

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The year 2022 in review


HQS plans to move to the new iWerkx competence center