The year 2022 in review

As 2022 comes to an end, we look back on some important events and achievements. We achieved some important milestones for our research and were able to share our results on many occasions. We were part of exciting events around innovative topics and discoveries in quantum technology. We welcomed many new members to the team. And innovative research projects accompanied us throughout the year.

Finally, after almost two years personal meetings were possible again, and it was great to be out and about. Thank you for your interest in our company and your visits to our booths at the trade shows. We attended informative conferences and were able to present our software as well as our scientific approach at some important events. Many of the conversations and stimulating information we have had and received will continue to accompany us in the coming year and influence our research.

• APS March Meeting, March 22, Chicago

• World of Quantum, April 22, Munich

• Quantum Matters, June 22, Barcelona

• Curious Future Insight Conference, July 22, Darmstadt

• Bunte Nacht der Digitalisierung, July 22, Karlsruhe

• SQA Conference, August 22, Helsinki

• Supercomputing Conference SC22, November, Dallas

• Q2B Silicon Valley, December 22

Overview of the research projects

Many research projects accompanied us again this year (overview).

One of these was the collaboration project PlanQK, which was completed this year: PlanQK now stands for a platform and ecosystem for quantum applications. Since the groundwork was laid by the AI Innovation Competition, the PlanQK project has developed successfully, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. The goal of the project was to make all quantum applications usable on one platform and to create a knowledge platform for researchers and developers. HQS was one of the 19 consortium partners out of a total of over 100 partners involved in this project.

Since the beginning of the year, HQS has been also involved with 24 other institutes and companies in the QSolid project, which will strengthen Germany's role in quantum technology. The aim of the project is to develop an error-enhanced quantum computer integrated into the JUNIQ supercomputer infrastructure at Forschungszentrum Jülich.

The collaboration project "Quantum Computer Extension by Exascale HPC", in short: Q-Exa, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, should also be highlighted. Within the framework of this project, the Leibnitz Computing Center (LRZ) has purchased the first quantum computer system in Germany from the German-Finnish company IQM and the related Software from HQS. The goal is to integrate this system into the production-ready HPC environment with the support of the consortial partners.

Publication of our research results and revision of the HQS Cloud

To share our research findings, HQS published two important papers this year (Read more about them: Alternative to variational algorithms for quantum simulations). In our November webinar Unique Software for NISQ Computers, we invited you to take a deeper look at our scientific approach and its benefits for the industry. We were pleased with many participants and would like to thank the participating company Merck and Professor Jared Cole. Using our collaboration as an example, we were able to present the use of the HQS software in Industry applications.

Our HQS cloud is being completely overhauled. Discover new applications and functions at the HQS cloud for the exploration of open quantum systems using NISQ devices at

HQS welcomes new team members

The number of events and projects alone shows that there is a lot to do at HQS and the company has developed significantly since the last financing round. We are therefore happy to welcome many new talents to our team this year:

Al-Hasan Al-Shaebi, Infrastructure Stack

Nicklas Enenkel, Lattice & Solver Stack

Saskia Glass, HR

Dr. Manuel Hodecker, Ab-Initio Chemistry Stack

Marie-Christine Jäger, Finance & Controlling

Dr. Andisheh Khedri, Quantum Computing Stack

Verena Kretschmer, Marketing

Matteo Lodi, Quantum Computing Stack

Gregory Manalumbhagath, Infrastructure Stack

Dr. Sue Ann Oh, Business Development

Vitaliia Onufriichuk, Legal & Operations

Dr. Pascal Stadler, Business Development

Timo Weingärtner, Infrastructure Stack/ System Administration

Florian Wullschläger, Ab-Initio Chemistry Stack

Outlook 2023

Exciting projects will also continue to keep us very busy in the coming year. A larger team needs more space. That's why HQS will move into larger premises at iWerkx at the beginning of the year.

In the HQS Cloud, there are soon available applications on NMR spectra and periodic systems. We will inform you about the update at the beginning of next year.

Furthermore, we are looking forward to interesting events and exciting discussions about relevant research results in quantum technology next year. Meet us at the APS March Meeting in Las Vegas on March 5–10, 2023.

The HQS Team wishes You a Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year!


HQS has moved.


Cooperation of HQS in various research projects