Accuracy and Resource Estimations for Quantum Chemistry on a Near-term Quantum Computer

Authors: Michael Kühn, Sebastian Zanker, Peter Deglmann, Michael Marthaler, Horst Weiß
Journal reference: J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2019, 15, 4764-4780

The study and prediction of chemical reactivity is one of the most important application areas of molecular quantum chemistry. Large-scale, fully error-tolerant quantum computers could provide exact or near-exact solutions to the underlying electronic structure problem with exponentially less effort than a classical computer thus enabling highly accurate predictions for comparably large molecular systems. In the near future, however, only "noisy" devices with a limited number of qubits that are subject to decoherence will be available. For such near-term quantum computers the hybrid quantum-classical variational quantum eigensolver algorithm in combination with the unitary coupled-cluster ansatz (UCCSD-VQE) has become an intensively discussed approach that could provide accurate results before the dawn of error-tolerant quantum computing. In this work, we present an implementation of UCCSD-VQE that allows for the first time to treat both open- and closed-shell molecules. We study the accuracy of the obtained energies for nine small molecular systems as well as for four exemplary chemical reactions by comparing to well-established electronic structure methods like (non-unitary) coupled-cluster and density functional theory. Finally, we roughly estimate the required quantum hardware resources to obtain "useful" results for practical purposes.


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